Feasibility Studies

Feasibility Studies

  • MAHESHWARI & CO. offers expertise in conducting feasibility studies by analyzing legal viability of projects, transactions or initiatives, identifying potential legal risks, regulatory hurdles and compliance requirements that may impact feasibility.
  • As a leading feasibility study law firm, we identify potential legal obstacles and develop strategies to address them.
  • Our feasibility studies go beyond legal analysis to provide strategic decision support to clients.
Our Practice Areas

Services Offered

Legal Feasibility Studies

We conduct thorough assessments by analyzing contractual obligations, intellectual property rights, regulatory frameworks and compliance to evaluate the legal viability and regulatory compliance of the projects or transactions.

Environmental and Social Impact Feasibility Studies

We assess factors such as environmental sustainability, social responsibility, stakeholder engagement and regulatory compliance to ensure projects align with environmental and social objectives.

Tax Implications Assessment

We analyze factors such as the nature of the project, the type of transaction and relevant tax laws and regulations to determine the amount of tax payable, the timing of tax payments and any potential tax benefits or drawbacks.

Risk Identification and Mitigation

We identify risks such as non-compliance with laws, double taxation or exposure to penalties. We develop strategies to mitigate these risks and ensure compliance with applicable regulations.

Regulatory Compliance

We ensure that proposed projects comply with relevant laws, regulations and industry standards to mitigate legal and regulatory risks.

Conclusive Recommendations

We provide clients with clear and actionable advice on how to proceed with the project or transaction to optimize efficiency and minimize risks, taking into account their specific goals and objectives.

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